Sleep Safe Smoke Alarms

Published on September 13, 2021 | in Houses

Sleep Safe with Smoke Alarm Best Practice.Β With the new smoke alarm legislation changes fast approaching in Queensland there is a new Gold Standard in making sure people sleep safely in their homes.

While the legislation changes apply to investment properties, for now, the guidelines offer great advice for everyone.Β Early warning is key and the new alarm models detect slow smouldering fires, the starting point for a fire disaster.

Check SystemsΒ works with property professionals to ensure investment properties meet theΒ QLD Fire and Emergency Services (QFES)Β guidelines. Their friendly team installs and maintains the latest alarm systems. They approach every home with a polite and conscientious attitude. With tightening regulations, it is more important than ever that homes have their smoke alarms inspected on time and inspectors need to cooperate with home occupants for this to happen.

Top Compliance and Fire Safety Tips:

Agents and Investors should ensure smoke alarms are serviced 30 days prior to a new lease or lease renewal, this is crucial.
Agents and investors should implement a system managing smoke alarms. Smoke alarm companies provide this service for a relatively small fee.
Be smart about brand choices when installing. Make sure it is easy to replace just one broken alarm in the future, rather than the whole system.
Evidence based reporting. This provides a benchmark and confirms legal compliance at a point in time.
Make sure you have a fire escape plan. Everybody should have a plan for how they might escape should they get woken by a fire warning in the middle of the night. If your bedrooms are high up, think about how you might be able to escape safely externally.

Contact: Check Systems on 1300 074 225 or email [email protected]