American actor and international businesswoman Reese Witherspoon wowed the audience as the headline act on Day 1 of AREC on the Gold Coast this weekend.

Four thousand real estate industry professionals gathered at the Gold Coast Convention Centre on Sunday and Monday seeking inspiration, knowledge and ideas at a time when the industry is continuing on a path of enormous digital transformation.

Reese reinforced the power of video, also noting that women consume three times more media than men, and that people only see a third of everything you create. At the same time she emphasised the importance of marketing and viewers. “They created the car, you’re still riding a bike. Media and technology is here to stay. Adapt or die!” she urged.

Witherspoon suggests using every tool in the toolbox, whether Podcast, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. “Tell stories in your own words.” She advocates using your own point of view, education or experience. “Always pull out the positive … Keep the standards, set the bar high … Be direct. Call a person to communicate, good and bad news.”

She notes that in real estate, collaboration is the key to success. “Think of partnerships that work, ans share the workload.”  Mentorship is extremely valuable, she says. “Reach out and call during the hard times. Have crucial conversations and don’t just call during the hard times.”

Go hard early is another good tip. “Get the first three things done each day that are hardest … Eat the frog at the start of the day. Get it over with.”

Reese Witherspoon’s three biggest take aways are:

  1. Do what you say you are going to do
  2. With anything you create, think: how will this make the audience feel
  3. You are only as good as the 5 people you surround yourself with

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